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RE: Cash for Comments on 3speak

in #threespeak5 years ago

That's really great. Tokenized internet is the future and it seems that we are already living in. Glad you decided to create such video. It will motivate sure those who are commenting in twitter all the day for free, to come here and earn some money from that. I'm positive about the future of steem and I think nothing can compete with it. All people will forget about facebook, instagram and twitter and all the applications built on steem will be famous in all arround the world. I see how steemians are working hard to onboard the masses and we will do everything possible to make that come true.


I’m actually beginning to think twice about promoting @threespeak after seeing accounts like @brianoflondon that promote misinformation & hate.

You can always create a video response if you want to defend your ideas. It's not about @threespeak , if about who we invited to the platform. Invite those who will not spread misinformation & hate in your opinion and you will see them supported I guess. I also don't like fanaticism from any people. No matter what side they take.