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Prečo je Bitcoin podstatný https://bitcoinist.com/better-sov-bitcoin-running-24x7-with-99-98-uptime-since-10-years/
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▶️ 3Speak
Zajímavé zprávy, no FED bude tisknout dokud to půjde, co u BTC nejde. A proto si stále víc myslím, že v případě toho, že se to "nějak" zadrhne ho začnou všichni zkupovat jako zběsilí.
Ano najväčšia sranda je, že o krypte vravia že sú to tokeny zo vzduchu a nemajú hodnotu
JJ, prej nafouklá bublina. Jeden ekonom nazval bitcoin počítačovou hrou, co přeskočila do reality :)
blockchain do politiky to neni dobrej napad to by nikdo nechtel delat politika protoze by si nenahrabali ti miliony do kapsi bokem. super video
Ja tam zradostou pojdem ak to bude transparentne ale to by som musel mať extremne dominantnu stranu aby som začal robiť čistky a ustanovať zakony aké treba
tak do toho . mas nas hlas jistej . třeba zaloz stranu b.t.c. " budouci tecnologicka cesta "
The FED needs to print more money if they want to live. But thanks to bitcoin that shit is not going to last forever. More and more people is learning how the money (the real money) works :)

Blockchain market is a most important part is bitcoin, every exchange system in blockchain have to depends on bitcoin. In recent time its a hot topic in this platform. And you are one person who always write update about bitcoin value in this platform.
Happy with fell glad reading and watching your vlog always bro.
Keep it up for us..
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you so much
Welcome my bro
Posted using Partiko Android
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 5/15)
(it's permissioned but works without an admin).A #blockchain network in which all participants vote on whether to accept new nodes becomes a cross between open and permissioned chains
I believe this setup is the future of enterprise blockchain, its true meaning and purpose.
Future of Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology continue to grow their influence in the league.
So steemit gives its users to experience the fast transaction in the cryptocurrency world.
Enterprise #blockchain networks are going to be separated from outer world in the foreseeable future, even if the blockchain scalability issues are solved.
It actually makes scalability not so important RIGHT NOW.
To pin the future of blockchain on any one currency, let alone the initial one, means limiting blockchain potential;
a potential that once scaled promises to have an unequaled impact on our day-to-day lives. And that really is the stuff of stars.
Posted using Partiko Android
Definitely Bitcoin has a long way to go. And I am confident that how things have changed in a decade with introduction to Bitcoin - where at the early stage no one recognized it. But not it's gaining more momentum and definitely it is going to give back people the power they need to have in control of their money. Cheers. Thanks for sharing a great Vlog.
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