Warren Supporter on Her Taking Corporate Money

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Caller talks about his support for Elizabeth Warren and whether progressive candidates should take big money donations

Should Warren be open to taking corporate money?

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I'm in line with Kyle Kulinski's opinion on this. Either you acknowledge that big money "donations" are inherently corrupting and the root of virtually all our political problems, or you don't. Rationalizing that it's corrupting for others but not "my" candidate is just that - rationalization. And it wouldn't be so expensive to run if presidential campaigns weren't a ridiculous 2-year affair. Cut it down to 2-3 months for primaries and the general combined.

Would a shorter campaign cycle reduce the influence of big money?

There are only so many hours in a day that funders can cram effective advertising into. So unless "news" outlets jack up the cost of ad time 10x to compensate for a 90% reduction in campaign periods (which should be easy to regulate against in some fashion), how would they even be able to spend the same amount of money and have even a prayer of having the same level of influence? Manipulation and propaganda takes time to set in.

Not to mention how much society would benefit from the bullshit horse race nonsense no longer consuming so much of the oxygen in the room in near-perpetuity.

Elizabeth Warren should really include Adam Schiff on her FEC donation disclosure forms. He deserves an “in-kind” notation for destroying the candidacy of Joe Biden with his latest anti-Trump hoax, which only boosted Trump and REKT Biden.

  • Dan Bongino

Truth is general election are expensive and it's amazing to go all kumbaya with the general public as a holistic self righteous acts and I don't think it's a crime to do so after all Trump is raising funds whether Sanders or Warren I believe appealing to the general public will only get them extra votes it won't win the elections really

Oh and by the way - Elizabeth Warren has released 11 years of her tax returns allowing for full transparency during her Presidential run.
Can I say here that her actions, enabled David Pakman to make this video. Here is the highlights of what is going in her mind.

  • Elizabeth Warren proposes two percent (2%) wealth tax on Americans with more than $50 million in assets for widespread student debt relief and universal child care. This she thinks has to come in very polite manner.

Critics on the republicans side, instead of preparing for impeachment, and finding ways to deal with whistle-blowers, they noticed how much money Elizabeth Warren has. Why ??? This is very dumb move on Republicans part.

Now do the same video analysis for Trump!