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RE: Disadvantages of Skipping Breakfast

in #threespeak6 years ago

@healthdear nice post! But I must say, that skipping breakfast can help to reduce weight if you do it properly. Most of the people who skip breakfast usually eat later on with high sugary snacks what indeed can cause obesity or diabetes, so you are right about that in my opinion. But skipping breakfast is also a good way to break down fat tissue if you combine it with morning cardio or just eat healthy later on. When skipping breakfast you are at point zero in your glycogen deposited, what means that when you are doing cardio or exercises you will burn fat for the most part, instead of the left over sugars.

Also, we as humans need to eat as so as we woke up in the morning, because we didn't know when their was food available again (in this case i'm talking about hundreds so not a thousand years ago). So breakfast was very important in those days.

Nonetheless I still think breakfast is an important meal, but you have to look at in from all the angles I think. And one of those angles is indeed that breakfast is indeed an important meal of the day, but on the other side, skipping breakfast, doing a workout and keep on eating healthy for the rest of the day is a very good way to burn up more fat tissue.