Would I be a good fit at 3speak?
I've been deplatformed from FB completely, never allowed back, and lost a lot of activism pages, groups, and events.
I've been active on YT for 10+ years, shadowbanned for most of that time, and they appear to be making moves to delete me for good soon.
I've almost stopped doing videos, because YT censors them and DTube doesn't really work.
But the "legal only" thing might be a problem, I guess?
I also talk about Liberty, free speech, privacy, philosophy, and conspiracies (things the mainstream platforms do not tolerate).
I talk about cannabis, not necessarily legal though. I'm an activist who uses civil disobedience (breaking unjust laws peacefully and in public) to make positive change in the world. My wife @MediKatie has cancer that is kept in remission by cannabis oil. We have fought prohibition for many years, and now there is "legalization" here in Canada, but most of what we do remains illegal. That's why we have to go on, but we're being shut down and censored everywhere we go, because we speak the truth.
You should apply!