How Cannabis Prohibition Destroyed my Family

in #threespeak6 years ago (edited)

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I first uploaded this important mini-documentary (which contains older footage from 2015) in late 2018, as I recovered from the fallout of my grandmother's death and the breakup of my once happy family. It provides an intimate look at how the prohibition of a safe medicinal and recreational plant has torn one strong Canadian family to pieces. It was heavily censored on YouTube (as cannabis knowledge often is). Thank you 3Speak for providing another way to get this story out, which may help others who have gone through something similar.

Cannabis prohibition impacts everybody differently. It has harmed me and those I love in so many ways, for so many years, I've lost count. It also harms society broadly, by fostering disrespect for the law, and through massive waste of resources. One of my most important missions is to completely eradicate cannabis prohibition, one of the greatest sources of harm in our world.

This video contains images and stories from my life during a time of soaring highs and crushing lows. The public frenzy around cannabis drove my family to do shocking things, resulting in years of suffering and the end of many lifelong relationships. You'll also see footage taken during that time which couldn't be published until today.

My video from Jan 2014 warning of the dangers of "legalization":

My video from March 2016 on cannabis curing cancer:


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Some great pics take me down memory lane! Some good times, mmm Grama's garden was impressive, I almost forget these were pics you took, and not from a gardening magazine. Can't wait for jackolanterns again! :)

It's easy to forget how much time and effort goes into creating original content of high quality. Most people have no idea what it takes.

Cannabis prohibition has done so much damage to so many people, and to society as a whole. It's disgusting that in Canada, "legalization" wasn't about ending prohibition, and in fact has made it even worse.

It sounds like your toxic family destroyed each other, not that cannabis prohibition destroyed it. Not that I am for prohibition. Aren't the pot laws very lax in Canada, especially BC?

I don't like the way California has handled it but at least here you have the right to grow up to 6 plants. Only thing is, most apartments and HOAs prohibit that so you really have to have your own land.

Sadly I can relate with you my friend.
My ex-wife used news paper articles of my growing for a compassion club to have my access stopped. After two years of brainwashing He thinks I am a Criminal and want's nothing to do with me.
I feel your pain.

Thanks for the post.
Please re-post onto SMOKE

It sounds like your toxic family destroyed each other, not that cannabis prohibition destroyed it. Not that I am for prohibition. Aren't the pot laws very lax in Canada, especially BC?

Yes, they used cannabis prohibition as a weapon against my wife and I, but had it not existed, they likely would have used something else to do it. I think cannabis prohibition allows many other evils to happen, like systemic racism (the bad cannabis laws tend to be applied to certain ethnicities more than others). And like giving police a way in to your house or car, so they can look for something more serious to bust you for. But yes, in the case of my family, it could have been some other unjust law (or circumstance) used against me.

But no, prohibition has not ended, and in fact is far harsher under "legalization" than it was pre-2018. More people going to jail, for lesser "crimes", for longer sentences. We got tricked, and now they're using the same "legalization" tactic all across the world, claiming it was such a success in Canada. I'm an activist fighting prohibition on the grassroots level, on the front lines, and I made a documentary on the subject called Legalization is a Lie if you've got 45 minutes sometime.

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