I am saying that Maybe Atheists is neglected Because most people is religious.
Ah okay.
How do you think new atheism?
I'm not familiar with #NewAtheism and I'm not really interested in it but if there is something about it that you'd like to share, I'd be happy to read it.
And why are you an atheist?
I don't really have a purpose for being an atheist, I just don't happen to believe in Gods, especially the Gods that most people describe.
@arminnavabi would be a better person to talk to. I am not very well versed on Islam like he is. But if you watch his videos, he hates Islam and thinks there are great reasons for hating Islam but he doesn't hate Muslims.
I think the British activist you mentioned might be in favor of moderate Islam which @arminnavabi has said doesn't make any sense if you believe in the premises of Islam.
Like Christians and any other religion, most people don't strictly adhere to their religious texts and the people who do are called "Extremists", even though they are actually following the texts that the moderate religious say is the Word of God.
I think the Bible and Quran are both seriously flawed but @arminnavabi knows more about the flaws in the Quran since he is an ex-Muslim, I am not.
I don't understand entirely what you mean but I think you are saying that not many people will watch our videos since most people are religious.
Is that what you are saying @giselberga?
I am saying that Maybe Atheists is neglected Because most people is religious.
How do you think new atheism?
And why are you an atheist?
Ah okay.
I'm not familiar with #NewAtheism and I'm not really interested in it but if there is something about it that you'd like to share, I'd be happy to read it.
I don't really have a purpose for being an atheist, I just don't happen to believe in Gods, especially the Gods that most people describe.
How do you think Maajid Nawaz?
I don't know that much about him.
What do you think about him?
He is British activist
He criticises islamic extremist and islamophobia
And interested in human rights in Muslim community.
@arminnavabi would be a better person to talk to. I am not very well versed on Islam like he is. But if you watch his videos, he hates Islam and thinks there are great reasons for hating Islam but he doesn't hate Muslims.
I think the British activist you mentioned might be in favor of moderate Islam which @arminnavabi has said doesn't make any sense if you believe in the premises of Islam.
Like Christians and any other religion, most people don't strictly adhere to their religious texts and the people who do are called "Extremists", even though they are actually following the texts that the moderate religious say is the Word of God.
I think the Bible and Quran are both seriously flawed but @arminnavabi knows more about the flaws in the Quran since he is an ex-Muslim, I am not.
P.S.here You can send a voicemail to @atheistrepublic and @arminnavabi might review it and may even feature it on the @atheistrepublic podcast: