Steemit has the potential to become 'Decentralized'. Sadly we have NOT achieved that lofty goal of Decentralization.@ellybraimah You should be flagging @themarkymark not supporting him!
The fact is that right now we are still suffering under a nsa styled Chain of Command. Their job is to maintain their centralized Chain of Command.
The critical points they are relying on are:
The Stake weighted selection of the top twenty witnesses. This must be changed if we are to achieve decentralization.
Thuggery and intimidation strategies through flags, verbal abuse and telephone intimidation. They cast a wide net with flags and blacklisting accounts that would normally be left alone. This is done to create a kind of 'cover' for their more critical task of silencing those who challenge the efficacy of vaccinations, Child protection services and many many more issues, pretty much anything connected to State Dominance and their dystopian plans for the world.
Just have a look at who will flag this comment. and ask yourself why.
the answer is simple. I dared to challenge the fake flag wars, the censorship and destroying of accounts reputations and ability to increase their Stake. These acts may often seem that it is done just for sport, but it is just cover for their real targets.
If you can be bothered to look at the history of comments I have received from some of the lower levels of this Chain of Command, you will find that I have been told several times that I am on the list/ I am on this list as not to receive any rewards from up-votes. All because I dare to challenge the nsa styled Chain of Command.This platform is still being controlled by the @berniesander / @nextgencrypto / @themarkymark nsa styled Chain of Command.
More people need to be made aware of what is going on so they will step up to the plate and start taking action to first expose this very serious problem and then to take action that will create a truly decentralized platform.
I also think that if you have a lot to say,you should talk to @themarkymark maybe through discord or Steem chat or any other means.If he doesn't respond well,then we know where the problem really lies..
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He has been trolling, libeling, and harassing me for over a year. Eventually got tired of it and he is on auto flag.
Well,I think you have a point but everybody have his or her demon to face.Steem is currently troubles at the moment and I think decentralization will open a new erabfor this community...
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