I stopped posting since its summer and thats when i make most my $, but thx for the support so far.
If you ever decide to come to Croatia for vacation, i have 10 apartments on the Adriatic coast if you look for where to stay, and id love to have a chat...
Dan. Youre the one of the few whales that has much sense. (The Treyvon crap, not a fan of but whatever)
I know what you mean in this video, i understand you, but your sentiment seems very crypto focused.
Facebook just wrecked the wall. Whitewalkers are pouring in, its winter is coming. But winter is good this time.
Ski sellers will have a field day. Coat sellers will love it. Wood prices go up....
Crypto has screwed us. Bitcoiners, Ltcoiners, Eosians, Etherians..... They dont care...
If Steem failed theyd gloat. They would. People are like that. Remember that dbag from EOS wiki you talked with?
Its time for us to ride the wave.
We needs to reach beyond Crypto. Crypto right now makes no sense in regard to what is of real value.
Steem at 10$ makes Steemit a top 50 Website. Its time to flip off crypto and focus on what the mainstream wants.
Bitcoin doesnt matter.
And thats the mentality we should take. Who cares. I never held bitcoin nor will i ever because it being no1 in MC doesnt mean anything to me. I dont care about speculation.
If Steem is worthless Bitcoin is worthless 10 times over.
Its time to ride the Libra wave, trojan horse it, reject the crypto market like it has rejected us and make moves for the mainstream before we drop beyond 100 in MC.
What mechanism of STEEM do you see that could drive it up to even $1?
Nothing positive is going on here. The whales of the world are in no way seeing STEEM as a recession or inflation haven.
BTC and tangible GOLD, well it looks like the brakes are off..
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