Am I Still a Fan of Decentraland?

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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In this clip from my most recent livestream, I discuss Decentraland, and whether I'm still a fan of the project (or not).

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@louisthomas, Gaming will going to play huge role in Cryptocurrency Space and when it comes to Steem then slowly Steemmonsters is stepping up the game.

In my opinion in near future we can see more developments on Steem Blockchain specifically gaming related.

Good to know about this space too. Whichever platform or Blockchain Space it is, at this moment we need Adoption of Cryptocurrency Space. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree! Can't wait to see what comes out of gaming + blockchain :)

Let's see. 🙂 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes one day my friend could come round my Virtual House and have a virtual cup of Tea 🍮. Or perhaps instead of that I could arrange to meet my mate face to face for a real cup of tea. Social media is unsocial , because we post and comment and swap thoughts at a distance , why would you want to buy into another way of keeping people at a distance. Welcome to the Decentraland. Welcome to the new world.

I'll stick the virtual kettle on ready!

Louis if you fancy a punt do a bit of research on Apollo currency ,its still very cheap.
You will probably understand it more than me but apparently they are the first crypto currency to implement sharding,they call it the all in one crypto currency. Thanks mike

People think a lot about virtual worlds.
Decentraland makes them tick
It gives people more control over their experience
It makes a virtual world more than a game

Decentraland breaks the mould

I think decentraland is not improving a lot over time. Many projects that are in the digital crypto space are outpacing decentraland. Projects like Somnium Space have shown excessive progress within a considerable time. They have included VR and 3D while decentraland is still dealing with 2D cartoons. Maybe they are not developing from my perspective.

I was looking into them like 2 years ago, I wouldn’t mind holding a real small bag of them just in case they moon. 😎

Posted using Partiko iOS

А кто из вас собирает крипту? Может подскажите крутой проект ?

хороший пост,не на 5+ но к чаю пойдет. хотелось бы что то интереснее почитать.