2019: The Year That ONE Bitcoin Became Unaffordable for Regular People?

in #threespeak6 years ago (edited)

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Almost exactly a year ago today, I made a video called "2018: Potentially the Last Year That Regular People Can Own ONE Bitcoin".

I thought it would be worth revisiting the topic of that video to discuss whether 2019 has in fact been the year where regular people can no longer afford to buy a whole Bitcoin by themselves.

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58% of Americans have less than 1000$ in their savings? That's a disturbing stat considering that Bitcoin purchase could make them financially free. But like you said, a good source of income is what's the determining factor here, I basically think that Bitcoin sitting at 6500$ this time last year was huge and well it could've been the last time, cuz I'm not seeing it plummet below 8000$

Yes, one day bitcoin is going to be too expensive to own as a whole. Someone owning a bitcoin will be a bitcoinaire. This will take a few years to happen though. We have more bear market left in this trend.

You meant "whole" I presume ...

Yes lol will edit

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I think the previous three year bull cycle from 2015- early 2018 made it expensive and also made it difficult for the retail investors to hold one whole Bitcoin. But this is inevitable . Bitcoin has a lot of room to grow and it is still a great investment. And I personally consider that it has not reached it's true intrinsic value.

The only thing I would say though is that people in America don't use savings to buy things: they use credit cards. They will drop thousands of dollars on golf equipment. People just don't even see the value of owning Bitcoin right now. Only when the dollar and credit cards become worthless will people start looking for alternatives.

Yes, you are right, Louis. . bitcoin is getting more expensive from year to year, and is not possible to be bought by ordinary people. Only investors with lots of money can afford to buy bitcoin. I myself also regret not buying bitcoin when it was cheap. Have a nice day, sir.

How times really change and who know what next year will hold

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Regular people = 95% of the world at today’s price 😂

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