Blockchain is just a distributed ledger.... It's simple... Like meat and potatoes.
Favourite line in this podcast, and so true. That's where I always start when explaining what this is all about to none crypto savvy people. I say, 'forget cryptocurrency for a minute' and then explain exactly what a Blockchain is and how it can't be hacked.... and why that's the core tech that will change things.
Some people just don't seem to be able to fathom it tbh. I don't know how many idiots have said to me, after I take the time to explain nodes and destributed ledger, 'yeah but you'll change your tune when bitcoin gets hacked.' I'm like dude, connect the dots, this ain't rocket science 🤣
I agree with what you're saying here. Data security is going to become more and more important with internet 3.0.
Also, what you were saying about appropriation of Blockchain by governments etc is something I've been worried about for a while now. Cryptocurrency can be a power for positive, and much needed change in this world... but equally if bank/government run private Blockchain currencies take over... Fck... That will be some next level Orwellian shit.