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RE: Vlog 433: Why I am still buying STEEM.

in #threespeak6 years ago

I agree with this. This is the perfect time to jump on in and buy a lot of Steem.
For me, I am not really selling Steem a lot but I think of Steem as a 20 year investment for my retirement.
So, even if I don't have an income or if I lose a job or something, I am still motivated to create material for this platform.
Whether it's art or a DTube video or even play Steem Monsters. I love Steem-Engine too. I am staking tokens for now but eventually I will start buying and selling them regularly when I residual tokens start pouring in.


Theres a shit ton of risk with steem being a retirement investment. I really try to not think of this as an investment and more of it as a buisness.

Its a double edge sword, one side says that steem will rise, but steem will only rise if the excess is soaked up by someone, but for someone to soak up the massive amount of liquid steem out there, then there must be a real market demand. its hard to find that many users until DAPPs really begin to take off for a specific reason. When that might be? Im not sure. Maybe the world isnt ready for DAPPs yet.

It's not the sole investment, but I am powering up the Steem I have over the next 20 years or so. Jobs are going to be hard to come by then and retirement age is being pushed back further and further. Corrupt and evil governments are punishing oeople on welfare.

So this is an account gaining 2% interest that they don't know about.

I am not going to be buying too much Steem with FIAT, rather I will doing what I can to earn it on the block-chain itself.

FIAT itself doesn't have a certain future either.

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