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RE: Anti-Vaccine Movement Undoing DECADES of Progress

in #threespeak5 years ago

True nothing is without risk. People die all the time having a reaction to a medicine, that's why it takes years of studies and warning labels on medicines. For whatever odd reason some people are at a higher susceptible risk. Enough children have been vaccinated to know the risk far outweighs the odds of not getting vaccinated. People are tending to jump the bandwagon and blame something without any scientific proof to prove it. They are looking for answers as to why autism is increasing. You would think they'd ask themselves why has it taken so long for the increase?...but they don't, they'd rather look for one common denominator to blame, what have all the children have in common...vaccines. You know what else all these children have in common?....expose to plastics, which are made of chemicals, chemicals which leak into mother's foods, are sewn in their clothing, are dispelled into the atmosphere through washing and drying. What else do all these children have in common? about sunscreen? Could it be the last thirty years of telling everyone to slather sunscreen all over themselves have anything to do with it? I guess we'll find out by the end of this year as the FDA is slanted to come out with new warnings on sunscreen and their ingredients, some ingredients are being attributed to young people having fertility problems now. Unlike plastics, sunscreens and who knows what all else they'll find problems with down the road vaccines have ran the course of vigorous test and been improved upon many times. As hard as it may sound, and every parent has to face that moment of truth, does the risk out weigh the benefits?....I guess not in the end if your child ends up that one in multiple millions of chance of having adverse effect...but that happens through a lot of life's decisions, not just with out children but with our own selves and others we love around us.