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RE: Loony Lindsey Graham FLIPS, Backs Trump in Syria Debacle

in #threespeak5 years ago

It's like I've been telling you all along, the YPG, registered as a terrorist organization here in the US had been using the US forces as a shield to hide behind after incursions into Turkey. There is no way in heck the US could say to a branch of Kurds registered as terrorist here, "hey, stop that", it simply wasn't going to happen. You want to make it sound as though the Kurds where all good little Syrian Kurd Helpers....but that isn't the truth and the American people can see right through it and aren't willing to sacrifice the lives of their kids protecting instigators. It's unfortunate that the YPG and NOT the US didn't think about all the innocent people living in the region and bring their behavior in line, which is never going to happen so there was no other alternative but to force an attitude adjustment. That's exactly what they got. Why should a terrorist organized branch of Kurds have the ability to go into Turkey and kill would be different if Turkey was going into Syria and killing Kurds but that wasn't happening that we heard of. The solution was to get them to adjust their attitude, move back, which they did and are doing, while allowing Turkey to open up a zone that Russian's will then come in and monitor the peace. Will it work? Nothing is ever a one hundred percent but then the Russians don't play like the US that's that they'll have to content with before deciding to go hop on over into Turkey again.

This whole thing is based on hostiles that have gone on for thousands of years. As crazy as it may sound to you as to why we'd let Russia get involved goes back to the same standard Obama applied with their involvement. We simply can't be on both sides of the fence. It's as clear as the nose on your face. Russia and the US are technically now full time babysitters. Somehow out of all that mix each is getting something out of it and though it doesn't give everyone a one hundred percent feeling of safety and security it does make it more safe for everyone overall.