Why I Started To Post On 3Speak

in #threespeak5 years ago

Over the past few months, I started doing some more videos that I posted on D.Tube. I made this move to provide some variety to the content I provided while also doing my best to add to the ecosystem. D.Tube was one of the first applications on Steem so supporting that only made sense.

That said, I did make the switch yesterday to 3Speak. Here is why I did that.


To start, I was not able to upload my videos to D.Tube over the past two days. It is very frustrating to film a video and then to not have it load. I tried it on two separate devices to no avail.

This was after a week of the videos that did load taking more than an hour. While this was frustrating, I was willing to endure it. But the fact that it did not upload quickly became a problem. I do not know if others were experiencing the same thing but I am not the type of person who is going to spend days trying to figure something out. Either it works or it does not.

Perhaps in the future the capability will be there for me.

Thus, I made the decision to give 3Speak a go.

For those who are unaware, there is a fee to post on 3Speak. It cost 31 STEEM for me to start posting. This is all part of the 3Speak's business model.

While it might see like greed, the reason for this is simply to cover costs. The 3Speak team is fully dedicated to making this platform a success yet there are expenses, especially when housing video.

From the start, I was impressed with the ideas that 3Speak had. What really interested me is the fact that it is going to be a DAO at some point. The founders are essentially looking to get their money out of the project with, perhaps, a small profit and then let the community of token holders have it.

To me, this is what Web 3.0 is going to look like. Let the users be the stake holders and vice versa.

As for the performance of the platform, it was a breeze. My video uploaded in a few minutes and was posted without a hitch. This should be a help when the onboarding of newer users begins.

Speaking of that, they are soon to be starting a campaign where the upvotes from their account is going to change. This is something that is going to alter who gets rewarded. Basically, videos with the most activity, views and comments, will receive the largest part of the upvote.

This is meant to offer incentive to the content creators from other platforms who have large followings to bring those people over. If one has a million YouTube users and can get thousands viewing and/or commenting on the video, that will pay off for everyone.

It is all part of the cooperative model that we are constructing. Over time, we all have a stake in different things but, being part of the same platform (Steem), means benefit is applied to everyone. Anyone holding STEEM will see a positive impact as the DApps have more success.

I do like to support as many applications on here as I can so if I find D.Tube is back in working order at some point, I might post on there also. That is the thing about creating content, we are only limited by the amount of time we have. Perhaps I could start doing two shorter videos a day.

Who knows? We shall see. For now, I am going to do my best to help 3Speak in whatever way I can.

Here is a link to my maiden post on 3Speak.

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Having the video load onto DTube is always time consuming, so it's not just you but for everyone. I know it can be frustrating, I always used to put the video up for loading and go about other activities on the laptop and when it's done, post it but I understand how it might not be what everyone wants.

I tried to watch videos on DTube yesterday. Only a blank screen would show.

Thanks for the feedback. Might be more than just me then. It seems they are having some issues.

It is a shame to see their struggles. I know it is not easy but that was an app I was optimistic about.

Hopefully they are able to get their stuff straightened out.

I think they will but it may take some time. I'm under the impression that DTube was created by a small team or even just one man.

Wish you the best in this new adventure. I did not know about the steem fee to start posting on 3speak. It's good to know. I, too, got frustrated with Dtube. was never able to post a single video (it does not help that you live in Venezuela, officially the country with the slowest internet on earth).

Be nice if 3speak partnered up with Aggy's Tribes. Replace dtube there.

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Yeah, I had some trouble viewing videos on DTube… and also when I tried to upload a couple of things. I'll check back in time, but 3Speak seems to be a great option. Your videos are a great addition to the written content btw!

3Speak does look VERY promising what with the massive changes at YouTube and the overall problem with censorship of non allowable opinions. I'd like to learn about the tokenomics of SPK, the 3Speak token. I'm seeing the token listed at SteemEngine but it looks more of a place holder at the moment. I'm curious, if I'm betting that 3Speak will be successful, what is a better play, STEEM or SPK?