Yup. He has been posting dictionary definitions for $3-20 a few times a day for years with 90% of his post a template he re-uses.
He was previously buy votes on top of it.
Once I found it I started flagging it. To finish his post a word per post would cost the blockchain a few million USD in rewards based on the average dictionary has 270k words.
He is butt hurt he can’t do it anymore.
The user is @artopium
You're a liar and a thief. That is MY dictionary. I wrote it. You are a hypocrite. You use bots to downvote others and upvote all your comments and posts. You're exaggerating the amount I spent on bid bots. AND I never made a dime from bid bots. I spent $5k on steem and LOST most of it. I just want to promote my dictionary and my website. I have written lots of lengthy articles for steemit and contributed hundreds of hours writing open source code for this stupid blockchain. You're the one who is butt hurt otherwise why all the attention? Why not leave me alone as I've done nothing to hurt anyone. There are a lot of people who enjoy my word of the day even if you don't. Get off your high horse. You are not the arbiter of Steemit.
Posted using Partiko Android
I don’t care if you wrote it. No one freaking needs someone defining words like chop a few times a day for $3-$20 a post.
I don’t upvote my comments except when babies like you flag them.
Posted using Partiko Android
Who put you in charge? Your narcissism is showing.
Posted using Partiko Android
No one is in charge. I exercised my stake in a way I believe it benefits the platform.
So like an ego maniac who thinks his shit smells like roses and believes his taste in steemit posts is superior to others? Got it.
Posted using Partiko Android
Nothing to do with me. It has to do with your farming.
There you go with agricultural references again. Are you maybe retarded?
Posted using Partiko Android