Tulsi Gabbard complains about being called an Assad apologist.
But then she repeats regime talking points about how Assad's opponents since 2011 are foreign-backed agents in "a regime change war", without a syllable of criticism of Assad.
Also Tulsi Gabbard brought up a third rail for people who are ignorant about the nature of abortion.
Abortion is a medical procedure, and the right to choose should be safe, legal, and accessible any time a woman makes that decision about her body, goddamnit.
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It's not the place of the US to conduct unilateral, illegal regime change wars. Syria isn't an exception. It isn't necessary to criticize Assad when saying such, because Assad himself is irrelevant. Assad is not going to attack Nebraska, and the US should not be the world police.
Women can chose to terminate a life even against the will of the father.
But the Father has to pay child support even if he doesn't want it
Well put