In terms of relying on witnesses - sure, people make mistakes - however, that does not mean that I ignore them. Ultimately, I was not there, so I have no choice but to go by witnesses and doing that means listening to all of them. Don't you find it a bit strange that I can list at least 4 mass shootings where witnesses said the same thing regarding clearly seeing multiple male shooters (I think always dressed in black) who were never identified? I do.
There are many people who take theories about these events to the extreme and fabricate nonsense, which doesn't help anyone. At the same time, there are well documented largescale programs designed to manipulate perception, orchestrated by those known to be behind at least MILLIONS of murders already. So I remain open to all possibilities. I sugget this book on the CIA to everyone now:
Absolutely...but I'm very wary to say anything conspiratorial on it, because there are people much crazier than I.
America is at a point where they either need to choose to support mental health, or start changing gun laws and increasing censorship...which is soo fucked up.
I am not a fan of guns - a balanced society has no need to kill anyone. It is absolutely clear that most regions of this planet need urgent focus into healing, balancing and evolving. We are on the verge of destruction due to imbalance and denial is at it's core.
Well, the second amendment in the United States has historical significance that's sorta been trampled upon already as it is. The second amendment grants US citizens the right to bare arms, to be a member of a militia. This is to keep the federal government's power in check. States are supposed to have militias that are made up of normal citizens.
The problem is that they have convinced everyone that we need a massive standing military, rather than a much smaller one, in addition to state and federal militias.
There have been many examples where they have trampled on the right to form a militia, causing horrendous events by raiding places that have stockpiled guns for self defense and the forming of militias.
So, Americans are supposed to have the right to bare arms to protect themselves and their area from the federal government as well as foreign invasion. But, due to how the government has grown so huge, and actually made the entire purpose of having those guns illegal, they sort of sit useless.
In addition to that, America has a huge problem with mental health. We have a completely private medical industry. Due to that, the majority can't afford to seek medical help unless they are in a dire situation, and then it may actually bankrupt them.
All these things work together to put us in this situation.
Guns are just a tool. A very basic tool. They're just a metal tube to control an explosion in order to project a hunk of metal in a certain direction. In America, that tool is supposed to be there to protect citizens against a federal government that long ago got out of control. So, there's a very real reason why they're supposed to be allowed...but they didn't really work.
I understand, yes. All governments seem to function via a monopoly on violence and so at their core they represent imbalance. This cannot produce balance, understandably. Mental/emotional/spiritual health and balance are absolutely the most important priority for everyone on Earth who intends to continue living here!