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RE: The State of Steem - Let's Talk About It

" Too many people are busy arguing over the rewards pool instead of thinking big on how to protect and grow their steem investment."

Perhaps you do not grasp that social media is not attractive to most users as a monetary accumulation mechanism, but due to it's furtherance of socialization, something far more valuable than mere money.


You're correct that I wouldn't grasp that. I was a member of the twitter beta program and have spent a lot of time up at Facebook/instagram, Their focus is exactly what you say it is not. Monetization in the influence sphere all that matters to influencers.

Mike Tyson once said that Don King would sell his momma for a dollar.

That is monetization of society, and the reason Mike Tyson remarked on it is that it is not only morally reprehensible, vile, and criminal, it is utterly contrary to the actual interests and values of almost all people.

You may value money above all else, and be able to find company to surround yourself with that does too. Personally, I value a good dog above money, or those that value money more than their mothers.

What percentage of Twatter, Fakebook, or Instaspam users actually make money from their use of those platforms? I doubt it's over 1%. The reason most people use those platforms is not to make money. Most people use those platforms to stay in contact with people, like their mothers: socialization.

You aren't most people. You sound like a Don King wannabe.

Lol. I know Don a little. I did a few projects with him. I'm no Don King wannabe. And I'm assuming you don't know Mike Tyson that well. You don't have any clue what i value . You're really shopping in the wrong mall @valued-customer lol

I don't know Mike Tyson at all, and if we met he'd probably hit me. Neither do I know Don King. I am glad of that.

You speak of your values, and that is what I addressed, not my personal knowledge. I said you sound like a Don King wannabe, because the values you communicated were elevating money above all else. You may not know what it is you're selling. Perhaps it would be instructive for you to review your statements, so that you could understand why I have responded as I have.

You may not have such crass values. I wouldn't know that from your written statements. Our nicks both refer to commercial undertakings. However, my comments do not indicate I have an overriding concern for mammon. Yours do. You indicate that the only thing that matters to you is money in your comments about Steem I have observed.

That's on you.

You make a lot of assumptions. That's on you.

"Monetization in the influence sphere all that matters to influencers."

That's not my assumption. That's your statement.

That's what drives it according to Facebook and Instagram. I've sat in the meetings. They know better than you. This has nothing to do with me. It is what it is. Stop making assumptions about me. You are shopping in the wrong mall lol