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RE: Tommy Robinson's BANNED speech - "The British Police State"

I would appreciate any additional information regarding the behind the scenes machinations that have produced the policies of the UK government. Or do you suppose Islam has infiltrated the UK government and imposed the pro-Islam immigration policies following UK involvement in ME military adventurism? The City is not known to be a bastion of Islam, given Islam's religious proscriptions against usury, the primary weapon of banksters. A deeper consideration of these policies supports The City of London using Muslims and the oppression of native Englishmen as a means of inciting outrage beneficial to interests of international forces intent of further military adventurism in the ME.

Given the Hegelian Dialectic's utility in dividing people against themselves, proven historically to benefit banksters and war profiteers, it would be remiss to fail to address this cause of the oppression and lawfare that has forwarded the globalist's goals. Concurrent with the Islamization of the West has been incessant and rapid degeneration of the moral fiber of nations traditionally useful as cannon fodder in the construction of the extant geopolitical state of the world. Clearly, promotion of gender fluidity and degeneracy is not being prosecuted by Muslim communities. Or are you prepared to support such a charge?

Given the folks in charge of finance, media, and firmly in control of Western governments, I expect that would be a tough row to hoe. While you may be uninterested in that discussion, rational people had better give thought to how those forces are contributing to conditions across the West, and how best to counter the unraveling of our societies, before we fall headlong into their Machiavellian schemes that are certain to worsen the state of affairs if we do not fully grasp their intent.

Millions of invaders aren't flooding our native lands on accident, or without significant financial and political support. This is a deliberate undertaking, and the international scope of the destabilization and desperation inculcated in the societies our forefather's built with their blood and treasure can only be laid at the feet of parties with global reach, untold wealth and power, and generations of influential dominance of our governments. Would we not impress our sons as cannon fodder for globalists intent on their own aggrandizement at the cost of the lives and treasure of our posterity, we must consider these undeniable impositions of conditions that grease the skids of globalization. It is easy to see how Muslim populations whose nations have been torn asunder by war and corruption have been used as a goad to inflame our outrage. It is vital we not allow our fair sons and daughters to be slaughtered and enslaved by puppeteers again, as our fathers, brothers, and peoples have in the past.

We can be tools, or we can be free. Understanding the forces deployed to undermine our freedom is necessary to our preserve it. Neglecting how the collusion between finance, media, and government has created these deplorable conditions will only throw our lives, and those of our beloved posterity, into the bin of global destruction for the benefit of globalist powermongers. Look deeper, or be blinded to the truth of our real potential to free ourselves from our actual oppressors. It is not Muslims, or the Muslim nations that have the power to effect such policies.

It is our common enemies, banksters and globalists, against whom all free people must stand resolute to preserve the blessings our forefathers have secured us by the sacrifice of their lives and treasure. Do not throw our culture away by ignoring the true source of our afflictions today.



Quite reasonable. The Christian - Muslim divide seems like a way of sidelining real issues that matter. I hate the banking system and how it steals money from people with inflation. The modern economic system practically gives the governments absolute right to steal money from people without any consequences.