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RE: A Punk Rock Christmas ThreeTuneTuesday πŸŽ„πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽΈ 1998 Pop Punk Christmas Tunes & Three Tune Tuesday Vlog/Picks! 12/19/23 πŸŽ…πŸΏ

in #threetunetuesday β€’ last year

Wow bro! What a cool post, just this morning I was thinking whether or not there was Christmas music that is rock or punk, and then I remembered I Won't Be Home For Christmas, I annoyed my parents a lot with it because they didn't like the loud sound in the middle of the carols. Hey, you surprised me with that No Doubt song from 98, I didn't know it and I really like the band, I even see that it was included in their greatest hits, but on the B side. I'm going to download it, but maybe this year I won't bother my mom with Christmas rock πŸ˜