Time for another Thunderclap. I wonder if he had insider information about STEEM getting listed on Binance today...Yes, in what seems to be a sense of divine timing @fitzgibbon posted two days ago that it was

JOIN STEEM THUNDERCLAP to go and join the Thunderclap on Twitter.A always, I strongly encourage you to go and visit @fitzgibbon and show your upvote appreciation for the initiative! Then click
The image we are going to tweet together comes from the extremely talented @overkillcoin who deserves all of your appreciation as well, this art s past payout, but go over and give him some upvotes for the stuff he is currently working on.

Make sure you join in on the Thunderclap so we can bring more people to Steem than ever! Mass adoption is here! Steem should be a huge part of it!

Note for Facebook users!

Link to original post again for you.Thunderclap can send a facebook post for you too. But it is slightly different. You should go over to the original post from @fitzgibbon and scroll about halfway down the post to where there are instructions for how to make the Facebook post appear correctly. Here's the

With the last Thunderclap we reached 750,000 people. The goal this time is to surpass a million person reach. Take 30 seconds and sign up to add your followers to the people who will see this tweet! We are at 244k right now with 12 days left to sign up. We can make this happen! Go forth and sign up!

Good news
Good initiative (Thunderclap)
Good good gifs!
Wow Cool Mike!!To know that @fitzgibbon has started his next thunderclap. I am excited to join @mikepm74 and I wish this time the thunderclap will get much better response than last time.
Woah! That's big news!
Have you joined the Thunderclap already?
I guess not... I'm new to twitter. I'm not really a fluent twit yet
It's easy, two mouse clicks:
You're a Steem legend, I'm sure you can do it :)
okok... I did the thing! I don't know if I have any followers yet, but, lol. done
You hear that?!?! You're a legend! We stand in awe of your presence!
No insider info here, sorry. But sometimes things just 'magically fall into order'. With the first Thunderclap it was really awesome to see the community come together and speaking on social media with 'one voice'.
We're aiming for at least a social reach of One Million people this time, so thank you for your post, that really helps!!
was reading your blog and I loved it, I follow you I hope you follow me back and upvote me
That sounds great! Is it possible to hold steem on binance without having a steemit account?
absolutely! People can buy and sell Steem (or SBD on other exchanges) without so much as looking at the Steemit website. It's easily tradeable for anyone who wants to.