Tik Tok without freedom

in #tik6 years ago

Andy Warhol once predicted that everyone can be famous for 15 minutes in the future. The old man is conservative after all.

The appearance of vibrato makes a person's fame time shorten to 15 seconds. Every day, when you open the application, you will be able to live a seemingly colorful, but in fact, the same thing.

This satisfaction is too easy to obtain. Once you get used to this "hands-on" satisfaction, whoever has to do those "high-input" things. So the past learning, entertainment, all give way to short videos. The rest of the game, whether it is engaging in long video, engaging in music, or engaging in film and television, must be in line with the gameplay of vibrato.

But on the other hand, the most "mourning" every day is the moment when the phone is put down. The emptiness and desolateness brought about by the huge contrast between reality and the Internet makes it difficult to find the same level of happiness in life. The slogan of vibrating is "recording a good life", but obviously, life in a mobile phone is "better" than reality.

The superiority of the algorithmic mechanism, on the surface, what you like, give you something, let people immerse themselves in the time flies; but in fact, vibrato is a strong operating product. Therefore, things that are given a higher recommendation weight by the vibrato are always easier to get your favorite. This means that algorithm + operations can control your likes by setting your vision.

It seems that you are watching a pet, but in fact, you can use it as a pet and feed it according to your taste. The master of the Lord of the Rings is also a slave to the Lord of the Rings. However, no matter whether it is acting or watching a movie, no one seems to notice this "no freedom." Or, people are escaping freedom by shaking their voices -

Rich modern life also brings a lot of pain. If there is a "modern life guide" that can make people follow the instructions, as long as this "punch" is a "social person" who can get a full sense of identity, how convenient and how happy.

Algorithm clever

When you look at the vibrato, brush the ticket circle, and immerse yourself in the virtual psychological satisfaction and "can't stop", perhaps the complete set of "algorithms" is in the middle. Its purpose is only one: to destroy self-discipline.

This is in line with the "collage theory" and "nipple strategy" of modern business. The former means that as long as the feedback cycle of doing things is shortened, you will be addicted to the pleasure of short-term desires to quickly satisfy the loss of self-discipline; the latter refers to the accumulation of recreational life, and ultimately occupy a lot of time for people to The ability to lose thinking and deep experience without knowing it.

Adam Orr wrote a book called "Can't Stop," which debunked the calculations behind the algorithm: setting attractive goals and providing irresistible positive feedback. Let you feel progress without any effort, give you the challenge of escalating, create tensions that are unfinished, and increase fascinating social interaction. But in this process, individuals may lose their true self.

In order to enhance the user's stickiness, the interface setting of the vibrato is quite clever. It is different from the traditional need to return to the previous interface, and then enter the next browsing mode. You can easily switch to the next one by simply swiping the screen, which encourages users to keep browsing. It became extremely difficult to stop, and “one brush to dawn” became the daily routine of some users.

Like a little brother, is full of fresh meat; like Miss sister, is full screen beauty. Seeing a user who loves one, it seems to be the emperor of the Three Palaces and Sixth House. Just like Jia Rui is not willing to let go of Feng Yue Bao Jian, who can't stand the sound of shaking when he is free?

And as Internet viewers have discovered in recent years: The Internet is not about connecting the world more openly, but about immersing people in their own information tribes . Through algorithm + operation, Internet products have the opportunity to weave a message boudoir for people.

Long-term in excessive self-selection, immersed in the satisfaction of personal interests, lost the ability to understand different things and contact opportunities. Unconsciously, people have created a boudoir by the idiot-like app in their stomach.

In the boudoir, warm and comfortable. In the vibrato, everything is gorgeous. After being fed by the "decentralization algorithm" for a long time, you can no longer see content that you are not interested in. Thresholds are getting higher and higher for content that seems to be a favorite.

Only the more handsome people are worthy of attention, only the more unexpected routines can satisfy people.

Net red day new

From the beginning of the year, Zhang Xinyi, Fei Qiming, to Liu Yuning in the middle of the year, and then to Mao Maojie at the end of the year, the first-line net red of the vibrato has experienced three rounds of iteration within one year, and the entertainment circle has also sighed.

Zhang Xinyi will dance, Liu Yuning can sing, and Mao Maojie has climbed to the peak of "shaking" with a "good oh". Skills become less and less important, and attracting attention is the key to success.

Compared with Zhang Xinyi and Liu Yuning, the way of women’s big hairy Mao’s sister is a bit wild. At the end of October, when Hard Candy Jun just paid attention to him, there were only more than 600,000 fans. And grow into a large size of fans, and it takes no more than three months.

If the star is ignited, it will be like a meteor. The speed of making stars faster and faster, and the "old man" is quite hurt. Fei Qiming went to shoot Liu Tong’s play, and the vibrato was overgrown with wild grass, which was not updated frequently; the seven-year-old brain, without a partner, was in dire straits. In the flow of the king's vibrato, I only saw new people laughing.

Looking around, the vibrating network reds repeat themselves all the time, and the path dependence is more serious than Cai Ming and Pan Changjiang.

Yang Hengrui took a year's eyes, Xu Mincan walked for a year, Jin Dawei dressed up for a year's women's wear; relying on the exposed abdominal muscles, they will be exposed every three times, and they will have to change their designs; Looking for a new song nine to five, it is best to come to a string of burning; finger dig the earth on the first day, the second day, the third day ....

I am afraid that I will not be famous, and I am even more afraid of being famous. So, I had to please the fans day after day and repeat myself. The reason for this is simple, due to limited innovation and creativity. For the maintenance of heat, the net reds are still more inclined to repeat it safely, that is, imitate "the one that made everyone like it yesterday."

And ordinary users, then imitate more exciting. The core mechanism of vibrato is imitation, and the key to its detonation is providing a higher level of participation than short video and even social products. When you like a content, an anchor, all you can do is not just "old iron double click 666", but "imitation" TA. This not only reduces the threshold of content creation, but also brings the power of curiosity and communication.

What's new in Net Red? But the vibrato of the people around you always have to pay attention to it.

On the basis of vibrating, based on the innovation of others, you can create a similarly interesting video without using your brain. However, although "imitation" participation can form a carnival, it also shows the unconsciousness of the participants. In the "silent spiral", individual users are more willing to follow the trend, and in the invisible imitation and attachment, they obliterate themselves.

Performance forgetting

Although young people like to talk about freedom, think about it, freedom is also a burden. It requires people to think independently, act independently, and overcome loneliness and anxiety independently. Imitative entertainment, "net red punch card" lifestyle, can "free" people from this freedom.

Entrust yourself to a boring and boring short video app. So, milk tea also knows how to drink, hot pot also knows how to eat, travel also know where to go, love also knows about it, the wedding also knows what to do... the young people who like to pursue individuality The body is very keen on pursuing "convergence."

Convergence, like everyone else, the gap between "I" and the world has disappeared, and the sense of loneliness and incompetence of the individual has disappeared. Every day, it is full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm. In the rapidly changing era, "listening to the mother's words" is no longer enough to guide life, and the vibrato becomes the new authority, guiding people to start performing without any fatigue.

From the perspective of content production, in addition to the "actor" identity, the vibrato user also has the identity of "digital labor". Based on "sharing is satisfied", users voluntarily contribute their own "performance" and become the backbone of the platform UGC.

From the age distribution of the users announced by the vibrato, 85% of the users of the vibrato are under 24 years old, and the main users and users are basically after 90, 95, or even 00. These user groups have a strong sense of belonging and exclusivity. After seeing fun and interesting content on the vibrato, they will spontaneously imitate the video content.

The precise advertising of the vibrato also fully transformed the fruits of their labor. When you use the product but don't need to pay, then you are the product of the merchant itself. In this process, the platform completed a new round of expansion and colonization of the Internet space by integrating the labor results and leisure time of all users.

There seems to be such a scorn chain on the rivers and lakes: those who play with vibrato look down on playing fast, and no one who plays nothing looks down. In the "mirror-in-self" theory of American scholar Curry, the individual confirms himself through the mirror image of the other. Playing vibrato, playing fast, or playing nothing, is also a kind of self-definition. This is also in line with the previous author of Hard Candy Jun:

"In fact, fast hands and vibrato are just two magnifying glasses: the soil of the fast hand is a rural landscape, it is a distant alienated soil, but it can be singular and observing; but the empty space of vibrating is a modern void. A group of young people wear cool clothes every day. Stupid, hurting the spring and mourning for the predecessor, itself fell into a spiritual hill."

Outside the play

On the vibrato, there was a video of a couple breaking up on the street. The general process is as follows:

Woman: Let's break up.
M: Do you forgive me once?
Woman: Forgive you, unless the pie is lost in the sky.

At this time, the photographer standing on the balcony threw a dozen pies downstairs, and the woman looked back and combined with the man.

Everyone is alive and playful, and the people who are vibrating are not rejected. As the French scholar Edgar Moran said in The Spirit of the Times: “Culture and personal life have never entered the commercial and industrial processes in such a way that the nightmare of the world has never been industrially produced and commercially sold at the same time. ."

Internet products have never before focused on human experience, but they have also accelerated human alienation. I don't know if the mortal roots are really too heavy. Excessive pleasing will never encourage us to be good, but only make people fall all the way. Kafka said that all sin comes from two fundamental sins - no patience and laziness, and Internet products do everything they can to make us feel comfortable.

I don't know if anyone has learned by vibrating, but there is no hard candy. Although there are many small skills in life, I have never tried it after I like it; the small accessories in the kitchen are wonderful, but the sound of shaking sound seems to be only suitable for takeaway. Although the time spent on fragmentation is fragmented, but the fragmentation time is concentrated, it is no longer the time spent on the debris.

The media makes entertainment, and the public is obsessed with entertainment. Excessive entertainment will take up life. The beautiful life in the vibrato is a life that has been infinitely blurred. In the illusory satisfaction, the vibrato is not free, because both acting and watching will lose themselves.

Neil Bozeman mentioned in the "Entertainment to Death" two ways to let the cultural spirit wither, one is Orwell-style - culture becomes a prison; the other is Huxley-style - culture Become a burlesque.

In the vibrato, these two methods actually interact in parallel. The users who constantly perform and imitate have become the masters of the burlesque and acted as the role of thousands of performing labors; and the actors who participated in them have become unconscious. Applause and become an eternal prisoner of virtual space.

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