From the Winds that do not Whisper Back...

in #tikatarotyesterday



The wind does not listen, so as the storm does not care, the wind just howls with an untamed fury tearing leaves from ancient trees with relentless might
The wind does not listen, so as the storm does not care, no matter how loud we shout, no matter how much I weep, the storm has stronger rages hammering on rooftops with merciless fist
The wind does not listen, so as the storm does not care, a symphony of chaos that fills the sky like a monstrous force that will not desist
The wind does not listen, so as the storm does not care, at the curse of the heavens, we often demand fairness in the world so wild and unfair…

The time does not listen, so as the past does not care, the clock hands move with a steady precision, marking each moment with unfeeling decree
The time does not listen, so as the past does not care, seconds slips into minutes, minutes into hours, and an unending cycle that takes no pity on us
The time does not listen, so as the past does not care, even if we beg for the time to pause to grand us just one moment to breathe and prepare
The time does not listen, so as the past does not care, the years slips into minutes past like whispers carried on an unforgiving years from the rage of the past…

The fate does not listen, fate doesn’t care at all, from the dice of the cast our fate moves forwards like untouchable king upon a throne
The fate does not listen, fate doesn’t care at all, a force unseen yet too consuming, from prayers to hopes that sometimes made us stone cold from within
The fate does not listen, fate doesn’t care at all, we scream at the sky with our own raw voice even when our heart stripped bare wanting to just give up
The fate does not listen, fate doesn’t care at all, carrying both the wise and the lost, the desperate and the unwanted fighting against currents never meant to spare…

The peace is within us for we choose to listen only if we choose to care, we breathe in deep exhaling the burdens we once held so tightly
The peace is within us for we choose to listen only if we choose to care, understanding now who once eluded us from the peace is within our sight
The peace is within us for we choose to listen only if we choose to care, for why should we suffer, why should we wallow in with despair if the world moves on too fast beyond our control
The peace is within us for we choose to listen only if we choose to care, our heart is ours to shape, where our spirit is like an anchor to our soul that is no longer a puppet to fate’s cruel and merciless snare…

Shouting at shadows, waving against forces undefined
Even when my rage will shake the heavens, force life itself is fair
My heart pounds like my thoughts ignite the fire inside of me
Even if we battle against the universe, what burden must I continue to bear


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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