Another thing has gone wrong, would I let myself be affected with it, a friend once trusted like a stranger like a bitter price that is yet to come but I know it will happen soon
Another thing has gone wrong, would I let myself be affected with it, as I clench my fists my heart gone hurt one after the other but the fire in me is stronger than hunger alone
Another thing has gone wrong, would I let myself be affected with it, the urge to lash out, the urge to strike is like defending your own worth to the unworthy person…
We all have tendencies just to settle and defend our own worth, vengeance breeds its own disease like poison wanting to be released from the hands of the broken drawn too long
We all have tendencies just to settle and defend our own worth, another reason done me wrong will I be able to stick to my silent tongue so quickly
We all have tendencies just to settle and defend our own worth, to control my temper sharp is like a sword without force sheath from a hasty word or a reckless act…
What kind of endeavor I need to accomplish by now, what is my nature’s will, not ruled by them, nor even swayed by wounds that are driven by my kind of course
What kind of endeavor I need to accomplish by now, what is my nature’s will, what is my fate if not shown on my path, shall I follow anywhere I go, but I shall not stray
What kind of endeavor I need to accomplish by now, what is my nature’s will, as I walk the road ahead no time for shame, no time for words that you will later regret…
You will almost always end up with regret as the battle wins you nothing, when the dust and echoes fade, what peace will I have earned from wanting to win every conflict
You will almost always end up with regret as the battle wins you nothing, regret will always chase you after, remorse will sting you, the rage will burn you away from what you truly believe
You will almost always end up with regret as the battle wins you nothing, just let others fight, let others fall, let others chase the flame but I will turn away, as I rise above my emotions it cannot wound me, it cannot break me, it cannot steal my own peace of mind…
I will walk, my head held high untainted by war
No kind of bitterness shall cloud my mind
No anger can even strike my own name
Just leave behind the burning past and choose my path forward