Stand firm and do not be swayed by the passing clouds, a fight against the shadows that whisper with an form of deceit made for souls
Stand firm and do not be swayed by the passing clouds, even when doubting creeps in Iike a fog at night on a morning filed that is both cold and thick
Stand firm and do not be swayed by the passing clouds, we’re pulled tight against the wear and tear of the day where strength is not in our arms length…
Endure the weight for each trail is a lesson, where each morning, pull tight against the wear and tear of the years that has passed
Endure the weight for each trail is a lesson, where each morning, where the strength is not merely on legs but in the will pro withstand what it seeks to unravel us
Endure the weight for each trail is a lesson, where each morning, like a sculptor shaping marble into something divine with the hands of the hardship molded, refined and polished…
But the wise will fasten their soul like shutters to the wind, if everyone stands without a plan, without any kind of preparation , the storm will seize what is an unanchored and lost
But the wise will fasten their soul like shutters to the wind, there will be temptation, fear, and sorrow that comes with every rising tide always rushing in, seeking the foundation of safe
But the wise will fasten their soul like shutters to the wind, yet in the discipline have that undisturbed will, learned from the art of resistance standing tall against the waves of uncertainties…
Walk with a purpose as you master yourself even when the rest of the world loses its grip, but in tranquility that is not found in silence alone but in unshaken soul amidst the noise from an impatient hear
Walk with a purpose as you master yourself even when the rest of the world loses its grip, we are often left helpless, living without any kind of guide even when wisdom has the maps for those who seek
Walk with a purpose as you master yourself even when the rest of the world loses its grip, the footprints of the strong leaves a path behind, guiding other towards their own quest of quiet strength from within…
Not to be bounded by emotions, by the quick whims of the mind
To live as a captive in an invincible cell of fear
Train oneself to rise above the storm that is freeing
To taste freedom that nothing can steal from becoming