Just to hold and pause for sweet five minutes wrapped around in hush and ease, we close our eyes and breathe in with serenity that soothes and keeps
Just to hold and pause for sweet five minutes wrapped around in hush and ease, in our hearts that craving stirs for silence even undisturbed for a while
Just to hold and pause for sweet five minutes wrapped around in hush and ease, a longing for a quiet world where there is no harsh echoes that surge…
If only life should grant us such time where work and worry cease, for life is filled with sudden storms that chase the undisturbed peace astray
If only life should grant us such time where work and worry cease, when the noise intrudes again we still grit our teeth until we yearn
If only life should grant us such time where work and worry cease, that hunger consumes us as a whole, a lesson that is yet hard to learn…
The road never bends and fades for us a path that is forever free, just to embrace the calm from the moment’s never meant to last
The road never bends and fades for us a path that is forever free, we tend to cling, we grasp, we even chase in vain, yet all it does is flee unknowingly
The road never bends and fades for us a path that is forever free, the restless heart, the longing builds like a journey lost and left behind until we ache to find…
What we desire shapes ur hearts yet it leaves us ever torn apart, in knowledge once like a guiding torch may burn too hot and too bright to enjoy
What we desire shapes ur hearts yet it leaves us ever torn apart, should we never wish to expand, to roam, to learn beyond, to rest or to even dream at all
What we desire shapes ur hearts yet it leaves us ever torn apart, for such peace and stillness will come, through not for long I’m sure leisure will find its way through the road may twist and turn
What we wish may slip away-but still, we breathe, we dare…
Should we fear loss, deter the heart from yearning
Desires will shape the world we touch, they teach us how we feel
If tempered well, they guide us right not bind us to the moving wheel
Guard your heart, embrace your dreams and know their grace as a whole