Torn Yet Whole: The Journey to Inner Harmony...

in #tikatarot2 days ago



I am both the in calm and storm and I must choose which side to feed my soul, each day I wake up I am always torn between the light and darkness of my thoughts
I am both the in calm and storm and I must choose which side to feed my soul, a battlefield of voices are rising, clashing, always leaving a mark of my own
I am both the in calm and storm and I must choose which side to feed my soul, shall I follow my wisdom’s steady path or be swayed by this reckless flame
I am both the in calm and storm and I must choose which side to feed my soul, shall I seek my better self to just let these shadows feed the stake of their claim…

I must decide where I truly belong for I cannot live a life be everywhere at once, the world alone is outside a chorus that is louder, calling me to join their dance
I must decide where I truly belong for I cannot live a life be everywhere at once, each step is dictated, each move is rehearsed and always a game of fate and chance
I must decide where I truly belong for I cannot live a life be everywhere at once, shall I be the actor playing roles for those who are casted in the scene
I must decide where I truly belong for I cannot live a life be everywhere at once, or shape the story by my own two hands, through non of them may be clean and dedicated…

I must be one not torn apart or I willy to vanish into the wind of uncertainties, the world demands a single united self not worn by any mask that fits just right
I must be one not torn apart or I willy to vanish into the wind of uncertainties, I am woven by many thread of darkness, dust and easily scattered by the wind of doubt
I must be one not torn apart or I willy to vanish into the wind of uncertainties, shall I hide my unsure side and pretend underneath this whole cloth
I must be one not torn apart or I willy to vanish into the wind of uncertainties, shall I wear my seams with open pride and still keep my spirits whole?

I know I am the sum of all my parts and I alone must make them whole despite my weaknesses, there is no such freedom in these chaining expectations like no peace in this endless war
I know I am the sum of all my parts and I alone must make them whole despite my weaknesses, but when I claim both my love and my wrath, there is still a balance in pain and chaos
I know I am the sum of all my parts and I alone must make them whole despite my weaknesses, I learned never to fear my many sides, or learn to make them whole instead of fighting against myself from the chaos beyond deep where the pattern still remains
I know I am the sum of all my parts and I alone must make them whole despite my weaknesses, I learned to trust the road ahead even when there is fear that lingers near because in the choices that we make, we shape what we shall be…

The fractured soul will drift away like a divided man falls
When the self stand firm and strong, no kind of force can shake its walls
Shall I yield to every wound, or stand writhing my soul
I shall walk with a steady step, even with doubt and fear that lingers so near


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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