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RE: TIL: 50% of Murder VICTIMS Have Alcohol In Their System

in #til8 years ago

Here we have what seems to be a causal relationship.
However, they are all symptoms of a deeper disease.

Ever wonder why alcohol is legal and cannabis isn't?
Why is the more dangerous substance allowed?

When you look into poor people, you find that they are poor.
Poor in health, poor in thought, poor in motivation, poor in time scale planning.

What is the difference between a poor farmer and a middle class farmer?
The middle class farmer weeds his farm. Guaranteed to increase production by 20%+. You would think that the poor farmer would be more motivated to get that extra 20%.

Alcohol does all kinds of bad things to your system. It messes up your aura. It creates cracks where demons can jump in. Ever get black out drunk? Well, at those times you might not have been in your body.

When you are poor... when you are depressed, you tend to seek out palliatives. Instead of working on yourself. On your being. Finding those traumas and working them out. Instead of this, you dive into the bottle.

These people are also the same ones who look outside themselves for the problems. And when you think the problem is out there, then it is only a short step to using violence to stop the perceived problem.


Exactly. Moderation along with choice is key.