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RE: Today, I Learned About How Much Time It Takes For The Shark To Find You

in #til8 years ago

Today we have the technology to wipe out the nimble mosquito.

There is a UK based company that has already cleared vast areas of rural areas of brazil by shamming the female of the species into copulating with a mutated male (almost certain males don't bite, only the females to reproduce) that kills all the offspring by turning off the gene/s that allow the baby nymph mosquito into become a flying killer. Essentially culling off 99.5% of a single species of mosquito. All this with no (comparable to the cost of lifetime care of a microcephalic human being from) after a zika pregnancy (conception within 7-8 wks of infection risk of birth defect.) Florida Keys was the first on the books to roll this process out but the local pesticide business thought it might not be a good idea. Loss of revenue would be my guess. But Oxitec has a proven technology that eliminates this insipid cesspool of morbidity. Serious, we need to exterminate this creature. Without mosquitos diseases like zika, chikungunya and west nile virus are a goners just like small pox. There is not way for these disease to get transmitted without the mosquito. You can have sex with someone with an active malarial infection and not contract it for crying out load.
As humans, all we have is our brains to survive. That's it. We need to be as fervent as possible on protecting our individual cognition. And if environmentalist are concerned at what may be lost if the species is to die off, just do the same thing we did with small pox. Keep a few frozen in the basement of the CDC for future experimentation and the likes.


Thanks for your comment. That is correct. I have watched few VICE documentaries about it.
I agree about exterminating this species although we need to properly assess influences on the ecosystem first.