TIL That Steve Jobs is buried in an unmarked grave.

in #til8 years ago

Yes, the father of the iPhone decided to be buried in an unmarked grave at Alta Mesa Memorial Park, Palo Alto.


The reasons why he decided this seems like he never said them. I personally believe it was so that nobody would make of his tomb a place of pilgrimage. This could well happen, we all know the crazy things that can make Apple fans.

The only thing that is known is what Walter Isaacson wrote in the book "Steve Jobs" and was that the cemetery buried him near one of two apricot orchards that are on the grounds.

But the fans are the fans, when Steve died and not having a visible grave, the fans began to imagine how the tomb would look according to them. The comments flew over the Internet and even the shape of an iPod with a fatal error took the unnamed tomb of Steve Jobs into the head of one of his fans.

As a curious fact, the actress Shirley Temple is also buried in the same cemetery and also in an unmarked grave.


Article where TIL That Steve Jobs is in an unmarked grave.

Follow me @juanmiguelsalas


There's gotta be an app that could find him, no?

hahaha lol!!! I need to look in the Apple Store... maybe there is one ;)
Thanks @inphiknit :)

If it's there you can lead the pilgrimage procession! Yw!

Pilgrimage procession leader... That would be a new experience for me ;)

I don't wanna lead, so I volunteered ya^^

Whaaaaaa? hahahahahaha I accept :)

I laughed at the thought of people using his grave as a form of pilgrimage but you're right - there are some whacky people out there!

Crazy people are everywhere! And more between the Apple fans lol :D Thanks for your comment @sassal!

at least not cremated :D

hihihihih true :D Thanks @englishtchrivy for the comment!

He liked to be invisible just the same with his car he drove arround without a license plate.

Oh! This about the license plate I did not knew :) Thanks for the comment @s3rg3!

Steve Job is my inspiration and he was one of the best CEO.

That is total humility on his path, he is a great man.

I kind of think the same :) Thanks for your comment @technology-trail!

Most welcome @juanmiguelsalas

Lol!!! Good one @fproductions :) thanks for the comment!

this its epic

I didn´t know that. Thanks so much for sharing. Really great. Upped your post

Thanks @sunshinetraveler! Glad you found it interesting :)

Interesante tema, no sabía que estaba desconocida la tumba de este gran ser humano.

Maybe Walter Isaacson was giving a hint that meant to decive readers of Steve Jobs: A Biography (Hardcover) by Walter Isaacson ?