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RE: TIL: 50% of Murder VICTIMS Have Alcohol In Their System

in #til8 years ago

If you are interested in our conservation program to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon check it here.Hi @andrarchy, You do not even know how I am glad for this post. I did not have any idea about it. It is quite strong argument against arguments of my Cameroonian friends who believe if there is no alcohol in Africa, there is just war everywhere. I can not resist to always compare alcohol with marijuna which is demonized here in Cameroon as the worst witchcraft magic. If you actually smoke marijuna you are considered automatically as thief or assassin. That is why we actually concentrate in our conservation program in Cameroon as well on primary alcohol prevention to raise the awareness about this bad habit. Cameroonians unfortunately do not know the danger hiding behind drinking so the always offer alcohol (even strong up to 40%) to very small kids young as 7 years old. The situation is really sad. There are only 163 beds in whole Cameroon for alcohol addicted people. And I have to say they are too many (obviously far more than 163).

Thank you plenty!