If I'm going to be a shutterbug with my cooking, I'm going to have a bad time. I have sixty-eight pictures of my Pumpkin Bolognese-in-progress. And this is the closest one to the completed meal:
I'll let that tantalise your curiosity. Especially the glimpse of the frying pan over on the right.
Steemimg only lets you upload fifty pictures a day. Since I want to include all sixty-eight, there's a definite problem here. I was fine with ten a minute. I could work around twenty an hour. But fifty a day is getting on my nerves.
I also have a concoction I'm calling Lava Monster Casserole (which exists because Hubby was not getting enough cauliflower, avocado, or broccoli) and a beef broth waiting in the wings. More photos. More backlog. More problems.
I just couldn't blog about any of this, yesterday, because I was doing the Back To School Run. Getting the books, getting the accessories (socks, undies, lunchboxes, drink bottles, bits and bobs...), and getting a few extras for the Lava Monster. As a result, I was just exhausted and couldn't drag myself to my computer. Sorry about that.
But I did manage to upload 49 out of 68 pictures because someone else is also using my IP and Steemimg is really clever about that. The sod.
Today, after I'm certain that other folks aren't uploading to Steemimg, I'll attempt to upload the rest. I should be okay with that.
And then I'll attempt the other two recipes I have lurking about. The Lava Monster is eighty five pictures(and two GIFs), so I'll probably be shopping for a different image hosting site before I post that.
I already know that Instagram and Google Photos are 'out'. Neither of them let you directly access your pictures. Boo.
Any suggestions?
So you are wanting a place to host your images, right? :)
I have used photobucket to host a lot of my images. The only problem with photobucket is once you share the link to your photo and delete that photo later on, your link is broken therefore no one can see the image. I think they start you off with five or ten free gigabytes of storage. Sometimes they have deals where you get free storage as well. They have several different link options to where you can do html, html thumbnail pictures, direct links, etc, which is one of the reasons I like photobucket.
A lot of people use imgur (idek if I am saying that right lol) for image hosting & they seem to like it.
I would recommend Dropbox as well but they are making it to where you can't share stuff publicly, I think.
I hope this helps! :D
(And if you weren't talking about image hosting at all & I read your post wrong, I apologize for rambling on about it! >.<) haha
Wait, I reread and I see you were wanting a new image hosting site. I take my apology back LOL 😂
No worries. Hubby actually went and made a site where I can host all my pictures with no fees. Hooray.
Sadly, it's family-only. Otherwise we'd have to charge or something.