Today, I learned some other interesting facts.
I discovered what is the original colour of oranges and what is the highest mountain.
What is the colour of oranges?
Originally they oranges were green and still are in many countries. Wild oranges never existed because they are hybrid between pomelo and mandarine. They are not tropical fruits but subtropical, so when they are grown in cooler climates, the chlorophyll breaks down which makes their colour change from green to orange.
The largest producers of oranges are Brazil with over 18.2 million tones anually, followed by United States with about 7.3 million tones. In many countries oranges stay green until they are picked and artifically cured - the producers use ethylene to turn the fruit's colour into orange in the process called "degreening", and then sold for export.
Ethylene is harmless and tasteless. It is often released naturally by many fruits and vegetables including apples, tomatoes and bananas.
What is the highest known mountain?
It is Olympus Mons (Mount Olympus) on Mars. It is currently considered to be the tallest mountain in the known Universe, and also the largest volcano. According to the most conservative estimates it is at least 22 km high, which is almost 3 times higher than Mount Everest. It is also around 600km wide and covers the surface of 300,000 km2 (about the size of Italy).
Martian Mount Olympus is not what we would call a typical mountain, because its top is an enormous and flat volcanic plateau that is not very steep. It has a very small incline of 5% so you wouldn't get very tired trying to climb it.
Today, I learned!
Other sources not included under hyperlinks:
The Telegraph - "Quite interesting facts about orange".
Guinness World Records - "Highest mountain in the Solar System".
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Excellent post. I learned some new things, too!
Mauna Kea
Well 2 new things I have learnt today!
:D Another 2 coming tomorrow ;-)
I will look out for another bare bottom on my feed today!
I didn't know about he oranges thank you:)
Seems that almost no-one in Europe does. I was flabbergasted myself :-)
Yes I have seen green oranges and I always assumed they were just not ripe.
That's the thing. It seems impossible to guess ripeness of oranges by the colour of their skin
You are not correct, since oranges are blue! The proof is in Tintin!
Hah! :D