When people are recklessly walking in unfamiliar place they may be liable for the danger caused by their own negligence.
Being exposed to bad environment is a risky business. A good example is when you are unaware that there are bad guys following you too closely, you may end up in gun/knife toting. The best way to prevent them is to keep a safeguard.
There are two important actions you can take to escape from risk. Avoid dangerous paths where you can be cornered or nobody can see you and take extra care by having higher intuition. In order to prevent being a victim always look around and check the blind spots especially in areas where the surprise attack can be happen, you must always lookout for the suspicious person.
MINDSET IS EVERYTHING... always think about your safety because you don’t know who is carrying and how well trained they are. An injury that your assailant can give might be fatal or even particularly dangerous. The damage you can get from it might cause a lasting life changing injuries. If you have been in any of these common types of situation cause by negligent act you should start training in self-defense class.
Photo source google
Thanks for sharing this informative blog
thank you bro for always following me...
Like they always say, "It all starts with the mind." and "prevention is better than the cure."
Thank you for reading my short post.
Thank you sooo much for these all advices, I really appreciate it.
Thank you for reading and sharing my short post
Welcome 😃😃
Applause, for the advice and to this blog.. ^^ well said
Thank you
We should always be vigilant cuz we never know what will happen.