So time travel will be invented in 2028, according to Noah, and he came back from 2030 to tell us about it.
There are a number of clips of him on YouTube but in this one he is actually attached to a lie detector. Well, sort of. We don’t really get to see it.
Some of his predictions
- We will still have cash, but use Bitcoin a lot more, he says in the video, which is really hard to understand.
- Donald Trump will win a second term.
- Humans will go to Mars in 2028
- In the same year will we receive evidence of extraterrestrial life
- The earth is not flat. How does he know? Because enough people have gone to space by 2030 and seen the earth from space for themselves
- He also talks about the advancements of AI, VR and robots
There are a few things he doesn’t comment on as it may “create a paradox”, but what I found most fascinating was the name of the president who will be in office in 2030: Ilana Remikee.
I looked her up (just guessing it’s a woman by the name), and she does exist on twitter. She also seems to just have heard about the news yesterday: @ilyremikee

It’s strange he didn’t want to reveal the winner of the Super Bowl for fear of paradoxes but readily revealed Ilana’s name. I wonder what paradoxes that will create in her life now?
This is not an everyday name. Imagine you would read yours there? What would that do to you?
Well, I won’t forget that name or anything important he said and put myself a reminder for 2020 (Trump’s potential reelection) and 2030, to see if Ilana made it :)
There’s more than one future
Let’s say everything he says is true and he really did come from the future.
That still wouldn’t mean that we (or all of us) will actually end up in that future. I mean if we believe in unbelievable things like time travel, then we also need to consider different time lines and multiple universes, right?
So while he could very well be from “a future”, it doesn’t mean that he’s from my future or yours.
So even if he spoke the truth and nothing but the truth, we might look back a this in 2030 and say, “It was all B.S.!” :)
Don’t you just love our mystical world? 🌎 🤗
A number of mainstream media have covered his story - just google “Noah from the future”.
coooool! I wonder whether he will make a bet on the superbowl.....? And what cryptos he will invest in? Im kind of confused about the fact the he doesn't mention that EVERYONE will be on Steemit Communities by then and that will pretty much be the way that society is run....
You’re right, they forgot to ask some really important questions :)
hehe intriguing article..
i've always been fascinated by space and time travel. 'questions that can never be answered' maybe in my lifetime haha
I love breaking my head over questions that can't be answered :D
Aquarius is rising my angel!
Time travellers...great.
Hugs to ya
Hugs back :)
Cool post Because you get bitcoin tags do you have predictions for Bitcoin in 2019? Also follow you for future post :)
Please stop spamming, you will get flagged.
U just sent her message with best wishes for her campaign. Interesting stuff. Thank you!