Time - An Arrow.

in #time6 years ago (edited)

Money is more important or the Time. Its always a debatable. People do have their own supporting behind the importance of Time as well as Money. Time is a natural Process and Money is human made. That means there is no control over time. Money spent can be earn again but time spent can never be earned. Time is like an Arrow which always move forward direction.
There is common Saying that- Time and Tide waits for None. Time is the only Important resource which is free of cost. Potential of time is un-measurable. One can win in a minute or takes whole life to win.
In day to day life Importance of time can be seen at Railway station or Bus stand. one minute late can cost you to re plan your journey. Astronauts can tell the importance of fractions of Seconds. Every Second has full of Surprises and new chances in life.
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Student appearing in exams can tell the importance of last minute. Daily wager can tell you the importance of one day. We All grow in time, live in time and perish in time. Our Daily Routine such as Sleep, eating, job, school work, eating etc is bounded within time.
Time loss is considered as the worst thing on the earth.
There is saying- Strike the iron when it is hot. This saying again relates with time. We must make best use of good time. No one can recover the loss happened due to time.
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Believe in its importance and plan accordingly. There is no yesterday and tomorrow. It is "today" Which is important.
A work done on time is equal to time earned.
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"I may lose a battle, but I will never lose a minute" Napoleon

Absolutely correct. TIME is the thing we want most but use worst

El tiempo es el mejor de todos los maestros pero finalmente termina matando a todos sus estudiantes proverbio chino

de acuerdo contigo :)

Time is money, money making takes time and time is off the essence !
Great day

Rightly Said!!
Thanks and Have a great day Ahead

Thank you not a graag day I go to the dentist today and I am so scared

Dentists are the coolest doctors..No need to get scared :)

Well easier sad than done

thats true..saying is always easier than doing. All the best

I am back an with anestetic its ok