Time Management for Freelancers

in #time7 years ago

Before starting a freelance activity or freelance project, you should think first where you want to go. A goal should be clearly defined. This way, you will have one clear direction, and this will help planning your time.
If you do not know what to do, then there is no point in planning time. You have to study the projects that you'll do the next day. This way, you'll be more organized and the time available will be used efficiently. Try to name tasks with short, but representative, titles.

Organizing your work will reduce most of your lost time. Organize your computer files, depending on the projects you are working on. Organize your emails in folders using various filters. Do not let any mail "unprocessed". If you're asked to do a task in the mail, put it immediately in the "To Do List".

As a freelancer, it is important to determine the type of tasks that you've set.There are tasks important or less important, urgent and vital, long or short. Combining these features and assigning tasks will get you information on which you can determine the order in which you'll execute what you have proposed


nice article about Freelancesrs.Useful post

it is important for all freelance

Nice post


nice post

article is gd

"A goal should be clearly defined. "

yes time management is very important for oir life.