Take Your Time | Poetry

in #time7 years ago

Were you greeted by a long list of reports
Or deadlines that came so close to each other?
With invitations from family and friends wanting to meet
And suddenly your sched was torn from being neat.


Maybe it was a notice for diverse payments--
Bills for electricity, water and internet,
Then you remembered there's still laundry and ironing,
As the baby and dogs need some bathing.


Then somehow you have papers to submit,
Documents to process after tens of signatures.
As friends invite you to tour several places
You wonder if your sched and money can still as your time races.


Lots of plans with so little time
Things to do come overlapped.
But a friend advised after sitting for a bit,
"Take your time; don't rush it."


You might say, I still don't have a job.
I need this right now. I really have to learn that skill.
Urgently need that money. Hush, to pause is not a crime.
"Achieve things one at a time."


Time is running--that I can't deny.
You sure would like to make the most out of it, I sigh.
Still, calm down; here's a lesson worth more than a dime:
Good things really do take time.


Thank you Jude and Damsel for the reminder that I need not worry about things I need to do for the future, but rather do them one at a time.

"Achieve things one at a time." -Damsel Bangcal

All photos in this post are original and owned by the author unless otherwise stated.

Thank you for reading this poem!

"Take your time; don't rush it." -Mary Jude Gayo (@judeee)