Time travel ???

in #time5 years ago (edited)

Just had a thought about the continuous expansion of the universe since the big bang. Which is, if time travel ever happens then how we gonna go to past on a particular date ? I mean, people say, they can go to past AND there will be life. That means, all the laws of physics are still working in the past. Like the clock would be ticking, the universe will be expanding and so on. And if there is the clock still ticking and the universe is still expanding in the past then how the people going to figure out that in what time in the past they are going to land.

In 2001, Dr. Wendy Freedman determined space to expand at around 72 kilometres per second per megaparsec - roughly 3.3 million light years - meaning that for every 3.3 light years further away from the earth you are, the matter where you are, is moving away from earth 72 kilometres a second faster. So according to Dr. Wendy if a person travels 3.3 million light years, either into the future or the past, the destination would be moved away 72 kilometres in one second.

Time travel doesn't seem to be possible. If today which is our present, is not paused (the clock is ticking) then why would our future or past be in paused state (the clock isn't ticking).

Let me know if I misunderstood.