Inspiring 13 Year Old From Iowa Builds His Own Tiny Home For $1,500

in #tinyhomes7 years ago

The tiny home trend has been booming for several years now and there are thousands of videos online about the topic and dozens of different shows on the subject to watch out there as well.

But when 13 year old Luke Thill got interested in tiny homes, he says that he noticed that there weren't many kids out there who were doing it so he set out to change that.

Thill got the idea to build his very own tiny home on his parents property and he chronicled his adventures online via his Youtube channel.

In order to raise the funds for his project, which ended up costing around $1,500, Thill allegedly took to mowing lawns and doing other tasks for his friends and neighbors.

He even cleaned out his garage for his neighbor, who happened to be an electrician, under the agreement that he would in-return show him how to do the wiring on his tiny home.

To get the carpet done in the home, he knew someone who had professional skills in that area and he agreed to mow his apartment buildings if he would in-return educate him on installing carpet in the tiny home. Clearly, Thill was incredibly resourceful in seeking help from friends who could teach him new skills that could help him to get the project done.

His home has a fold-up table for a dining area, a small fridge, some seating room, a TV, storage areas, solar panels, and more.

He says that he has now received messages from other kids online who say that he has inspired them to get started on their own tiny home projects and some, he admits, are even younger than 13 years old. He also got invited to speak at a tiny home conference in his state.

This building project has sparked his interest and he says that he plans to stick with building homes and eventually build a much bigger one in the years to come. Most importantly, Thill hopes that he can serve as an inspirational reminder that age shouldn't limit us from trying to accomplish our goals.

Greg Thill via ABC News
Luke Thill via Youtube
Luke Thill via Youtube


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I like his resourcefulness!

Very smart boy. I'm not crazy on the mini house push, but practical is wiser.

This is the kind of stuff that should be encouraged in young people. Working and learning by doing. I will definitely have to check his you tube videos. I am from Iowa and I have a friend who I’m trying to get on Steemit to share his passion for tiny homes. This is just such a great post. Thanks for sharing it. Upvoted and resteemed since he’s from my neck of the woods.

If I'd seen this sooner, I'd have resteemed and upvoted - instead, I posted a link to this in my own blog, with credit to @doitvoluntarily. I found this because I found you, @sighmanjestah, via a search for ColdCases on Steemit. You've cited Jody Ewing's ICC case summaries. Jody isn't "volunteering" because she "doesn't need or want a salary" - Jody's dedicating her life to Cold Cases instead of working a paying job, all out of passion (some would say obsession). I've been spending time at the Facebook site to pick up some of the slack, now that Jody is being forced to slow down by family medical crises (her sister should sue an Iowa hospital for malpractice). Message me at the Facebook site,, if you would be interested in helping set up a Steemit account for Iowa Cold Cases, in hopes of reaching more readers, and raising some money for Jody. Web sites like ICC's are not free. Jody pays out of her own pocket. Thanks, Sighmanjestah.

This 13-year-old has really learned some valuable life skills. Kudos! This all about teaching your children independence. Upvoted, following and resteemed

I love the Tiny house movement! Seeing kids learn and build and forget about the McMansions and the debt of having a home of their own along with learning real life skills that will help them in the future is awesome!

Hey he's totally doing it! Been watching a lot on tiny houses and shipping container construction lately. Awesome culture around those structures. Thanks for sharing this video.

What awesome parenting this young man must have had. He truly shines as an example to other youth of how to accomplish ones goals. Thanks for sharing. I think a lot of adults could learn from this fella.

Teaching kids to be independant should be priority #1! Great job on the tiny home..I'll take 3 please Lol

What a cute and smart boy! His parents should be proud of him. A little diamond😆😊😊

This is inspiring, so this kid to build a house at this age, he is a start in the making.

That's amazing for a 13 years old to do good job

great kid!

Amazing. He is self-made and creative. He has learned skills that will be valuable to his future and allows him to contribute in a positive way to society. Thanks for sharing.

Clever boy, amazing job :)

Very motivated and innovative young man. Hope he sticks with his ideas. 🐓🐓

"...age shouldn't limit us from trying to accomplish our goals." What an awesome 13 year old. Thanks for sharing :)

thx for checking it out :)

This is just what I needed to read today! Thank you so much for sharing.

Many people his age only knows how to poke on the mobile device.

Amazingly creative child he must be! Awesome should be his parents! That's what kids should be learning, building and making things, not learning how to obey in schools...

What sticks out the most is not that he built the house, but that he used the opportunity to learn practical skills which should be useful for the rest of his life.
He could have asked others with skills to trade, his work for theirs, but he did not. He asked that in exchange they teach him. Having paid for the lessons, I bet he remained concentrated when they taught him.
Luke, congratulations and you deserve to be an inspiration for others.

Amazing story..💙

ha ha, this is very touching. he likes?

I wish kids today would spend time doing this instead of how they're now . This is inspiring

UpVoteD, FolloWeDHello @doitvoluntarily, nice topic shared about tiny homes. inspiring and impressing done from 13 year old child. appreciated.

Impressive. Massively unnecessary but the kid's got some skills for sure!

haha this is amazing. You just have to know how to do so. great content. its like me in crypto space.. you don't know anything about it? well, start reading, asking, writing, thinking. yeah.

The independence it is the best thing that we loved and it is the best thing that we could teach our family in completely way included the most importance that is the finance, because every year a lot of song depend of their old parents for living included the grand son and their wives.
Good information about this kids.
Best regard. @galberto. :)

Cool! He is a good fellow, that he is fond of this and is doing it himself!

very cool....I always imagine an ideal situation is for each person in a household to have one...this way you have your own space....

Tiny homes are smart homes!

That is very cool I am glad this has inspired other kids to work on their own house projects.

Whatever happened to mere treehouses?!

Great! Do not measure anybody's ability from his age.. There are many people in this world who are more qualified than their age.. We should appreciate his work and his parents will be proud of him...

clever boy i like it.

I have a 13 year old and this is what I would love hime to be able to do next to our house. Plus, when he is older he can have a domicile established so he can have a flexible economic future. Awesome work!

What an awsome kid! I couldn't do jack at 13!

What a smart and industrious kid. Amazing!

I am 42 and I think I can also build something like this.

He is a creative and will get very far if he doesn't give up. This is what our planet needs now. People who can make their dreams a reality. I am touched.

Haha way to go kid , I love this story !! And really why not do it if you can , its quite a step up from a treehouse or a fort ! This is awesome thanks for sharing this story with us @doitvoluntarily !! Upped and resteemed !!👍👍👍🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠 Home Sweet Home !!👍

Very interesting. I need to show this house to my daughter. She wants her little house too.