Our newest one's not at the army crawling stage yet but I can see the future of having to rearrange things again for her.
That said, I can totally relate. We're not living in a tiny house but we have a small house, we need less stuff is all I can say.
Hope the house progresses well so the family can move in and be comfortable, another step towards your goals. For now, enjoy the extra helping hands :)
Thank you! So how many children do you have now? Is that 4?
Yes, we have 4. I thought it would be nice to have twins at first then singles after. But after having the first child, it would have been tough for us since we didn't have any family around.
Having said that, I know we can handle twins. You are both handling it well and I admire you both for it. And homesteading at that... Soon the twins will be walking and it will be another arrangement :D
The walking is going to be fun but also a pain. They are already getting into everything!
LOL yes they never stop getting into your stuff. Let me help you my friend. At one point I asked my son, what he was allowed to do. Ohh he broke my heart... he basically said everything with a not do this or not do that. So that very day we changed the rules at our house.
There are two rules now.
Dont hurt people. And you are a person so you cant hurt yourself.
Dont hurt peoples stuff.
But they will do it and the best we can do is support them when they are recovering from those consequences. Now everything is much more beautiful but they still don't listen! I think it just helped @lovenfreedom and I chill out and let them learn the hard way. It is so tough as a parent letting your kids make mistakes.
Sounds like good advice. Thanks!