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RE: Why We Decided to Build a Tiny House Part 1

in #tinyhouse7 years ago

But this is just my very personal view on things. On the other hand I am a father of two kids and have a wonderful wife that is feelancing from home just like me. We live 24/7 in our home and fitting this life into a tiny home really does not work. I would have to be 4 tiny homes. One for my work, one for my wifes work, one for eating/living and one for all of us sleeping. Put all these tiny homes together and you have a full house again! LOL!
This is all very confusing for me but every time I see someone living that tiny life I feel very inspired. Thank you for sharing!Hi @canadianrenegade. I love what your writing. I myself have the strong dream of moving into a tiny house. One specific reason is very prominent. Decluttering / Reducing / Simplifying, call it how you want! With all the stuff that we collect over a life span, from my point of view, we get completely numb, overloaded and immobile. I sometimes feel really stuck in my life, just because of all the belongings we have as a family and that we have to take care of.


Hey no problem! The tiny home for us was never intended to be permanent, it was meant to be more of a stepping stone to get us to where we want to be. I think for single people or young couples it could work out great. We had twins recently, (not like you can plan that) and with the space restrictions it is challenging.

God! Are you serious? Twins in a tiny house? Your my heroes! All the best for you guys and congratulations! Maybe soon you need to add on ;)

Hey @my-permaculture! I just read your reasons for wanting to live in a tiny home and then realizing you would need so much individual space and what that would then be...I laughed! I think it is very wise that you already put that together.

We have been living in a tiny home for 4 years now, and the simplfying is is a lot harder to live clutter free, unless everything has a home...that makes it hard to bring in new things that a family might need. Just something to also think about! Hopefully I didn't high-jack this conversation!

Hey @freedomtowrite. No you did't high-jack, but your right. One has to laugh about what I think... There is the strange feeling that we have to much things and space to take care of, yet, we need all the space. Maybe the solution is to reduce the things, as most of them we really don't need.

I think you're right. If your belongings are making you feel trapped, then letting those go is the solution. Maybe it feels like you need more of an a tiny less space = less clutter.