Eat a Healthy Breakfast
I'd like to call this common sense, but I'm willing to bet that if you survey people who work a 40+ hour work week you'll find that they do not eat a sufficiently healthy and balanced breakfast. Despite being commonly known as the most important meal of the day, it's also frequently ignored. So many people are in a rush in the morning that they grab and energy bar or a coffee and consider that sufficient. Get up 20 minutes earlier and make yourself something healthy. For example, egg whites, black beans, and mixed vegetables are a great way to start. If you've dumped your caffeine addiction and you're still finding yourself tired every afternoon, it's likely because you're not eating a good breakfast. If you're neglecting your morning meal (or eating a crappy one), try it for a week and you should find that your energy will last you through the majority of the work day.
Looks very delicious,