This week yo can get some exttra tip to invite people this channel. Just invite them to WavesTipping
Commands what your can use in chanell:
- /tps - showing this help massage
- /bal - showing the curent balance of the requesting user
- /adress - showing the address for the user who requests it
- /tip - tipping a usser in the format 'user-amount-token'
- /tiptop - tipping the top 10 in the format 'amount/user-token'
- /withdraw - withdraw funds in the format 'address-amount-token'
- /top - shows most tipping person on Telegram
- /privatkey - request the private key to your tipping wallet in a private chat
- /importprivatekey - import a private key for your tipping wallet in the format 'private key' PLEASE SAVE YOUR FORMER PRIVATE KEY IN ORDER FOR BEING ABLE TO RESTORE IT.
Please have in mind to not store large amounts of funds due to potential security flaws! Keys are stored somewhere.
Remember this is only tipping! This is not a full wallet.
Join us and Have fun!
I found the telegram channel by accident via a Waves Faucet site. Joined and somebody tipped me with 0.01 LimburgCoin. What can I say.. Thank you I guess :P
You are welcome. Did you notice how quickly and conveniently the translation took place?
Yup! Super-duper Quick :)
Waves tipping
i think this is the first time i heart about it