How to Add More Value to Your Posts

in #tips7 years ago (edited)

This is going to be a simple tip for optimizing your Steepshot / dMania posts for steemit. Probably many of you know this already, but I want to help the fresh users. I'll give screenshot examples.

When you post something on Steepshot or dMania it automatically gets published on your blog here on steemit. A single photo without much of a description looks kinda bad here.

You can't upload multiple images to Steepshot or dMania but there's a way around. It requires a bit more work but it's worth it.

I'll be using my Close Up post as an example. So, I landed on these few close up photos of a cat, but I didn't want to publish few different angles of the same photo on separate posts. Since I couldn't upload all of them to Steepshot at one post, I decided to at least add them on steemit.

You can do this with many different topics. Let's say you've got Crypto memes that revolve around the Bitconnect scam. It would be much more valuable to have them all on one post instead of separate ones, right? Let's see how you can do it.

So, here you can see that on Steepshot there's a single photo of a cat, right?


Let's take a look at the same post on my steemit blog:

on steemit.JPG

So, how did I do that? It's incredibly simple. Once you post your photo on Steepshot/ dMania you can then go and Edit it on your blog.... and that's it.

Simply open the post on your blog, scroll down and click Edit:

You will then see the image link from Steepshot (or dMania) and below it a couple more images with text. Leave the top link and delete everything else. (marked in red on the photo below)


Now all you have to do is add your additional photos by clicking on the "selecting them" link below the description box. Here's what it looks like when you add the rest of the photos. (psst... you can also caption them which improves the quality of the post).

upload photos.JPG

And that's it guys. Click Update Post and enjoy the upvotes.

Please, remember to mention the artist/source of your publication if it's not your original content. If possible leave a link to the original post. Stealing is bad, even on the blockchain.

If this guide helped you, please upvote and comment. If you wish to get more tips in the future just Follow me. If you don't want anymore newbie tips then follow me for memes and cats =D

Got any better ideas? Let me know in the comment section below.

Update: Apparently, changing the post title on steemit also changes it on dMania (but not on Steepshot).


Thank you for the help.... I hv been looking for such solutions

You're welcome! ^_^ If you wish to help me help more people you can Resteem this post. :)

Update: Apparently, changing the post title on steemit also changes it on dMania (but not on Steepshot).