Tips To Gain Weight

in #tips7 years ago

Are you tired of hearing the latest pitch on how to lose weight, when all you want to do is to just gain some kilos instead? Unfortunately, this is the truth; there is a way too much information on how to lose weight but barely anything on how to gain weight, especially in a healthy and balanced way. But the good news is that you can turn to Ayurveda for some solutions to put on weight the right way and the best part is that it determines your optimal weight not by the number on the weighing scale but by your body constitution- kapha, vata and pitta. Here are a few important strategies that may help you gain weight in a way that it does not hamper your overall health. The Ayurvedic approach is healthy, simple and holistic along with being effective. According to seceral doctors a person should always maintain a healthy weight not too much and not too less. Ayurveda recommends 'balance' or an 'optimum state' in everything. Including your body weight.