Many Filipino are not saving their money, they often times ignore saving money in the bank. They believe in YOLO or you only live once, that means you should always enjoy your life, because you will only live once, but that doesn't mean, to spend all what you have got. You can still enjoy life, without spending too much money, even when you are trying to save some of it. So you can have an available money, when you are in an unexpected situation or emergency situation.
Saving money will assure your future. It is important to prepare and look for our future, because no one can say what will going to happen in our life tomorrow, we cannot be sure about our health, if we can still be able to work for that day or if we are going to be ill, that is why, having a saved money will going to save your life.
You can save money at the bank, then your money will going to get an annual profit, it will grow a little and too slow, but the assurance and guaranteed return is in your future, it is also the safest way to save your money, since the money that we use today, can be gone in a few seconds, while the bank will going to secure it for you, while letting you earn a small portion of it. You can also use a piggy bank to save money, each of those coins or paper money will going to be a big amount, once it was put together. But always remember, do not break that piggy unless it is very important.
Everyone should learn to give importance in saving money, because we cannot say what will going to happen, preparation and being wise is the best way to get rid of too much expenses.
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