If you think you need to change some things in themselves or want to help a loved one to do the same, these eight tips gathered from recent psychological studies may be useful to you.
The first four steps, you will find here relate to how to bring about a change in yourself.
In the next part you will find how you can help people around him to change for the better.
1.Sebeutvarzhdenieto opens the mind to change
When a person gets advice on how to change, usually automatically adopts a defensive posture, trying to excuse this behavior. A very simple exercise, however, can help to open attitude to change behavior.
This exercise, known as "sebeutvarzhdenie" consists simply to think what's important to you - may be family, work, religion, anything that makes sense for you.
When people feel sebeutvardeni, for them it is easier to accept the possibility of change.
2.Attitude Growth
The conviction that it is possible to grow and develop is an essential step towards implementing the changes.
Scientists have found that adolescents who believe that people change, cope better with the challenges of high school life.
In addition, researchers found that those who strongly support the idea that people can change, the report also:
Less stress
Less anxiety
They feel better in your skin
They are in better physical health
Psychologists call this belief "attitude for growth."
3.Can you really change your character?
For many years psychologists dealing with the study of character and personality traits gave the same pessimistic answer: no, people's characters do not change. But in the last 15 years this perspective falters. Instead it is believed that personality petrifies 30 years, new svitelstva shown that people change, even for periods of two years.
Indeed, the rate of change for these two years is equivalent to the other demographic variables such as marital status, occupation and income.
4.Just say "Enough!"
Here's a little tip to change the habits ...
It is possible to deliberately "forget" longstanding habits, according to experiments conducted recently in Regenburgskiya University in Germany.
They found that when a person is caught in a bad habit and I say forget it from now on, it really helps.
Source: www.brightside.me
great info but really now life is hard you have to have too much money if you want to be alive
Great stuff! Thank for sharing.